IN THIS ISSUE:FCA – Application to become a Friend of the Court 2021 PHASA Award winners PHASA 2022 Membership fees are due. SCI President John McLaurin completes the South African Macnab Message from DSC about January Show. Feedback re Outfitters Operating in other Provinces Eastern Cape department request 2021 Convention & AGM photos PHASA Office: December closing date PHASA Job Market – PHASA PH’s available for 2022 – Advertise your position free of charge! Join the PHASA Advertising WhatsApp Group! Free adverts! PHASA Market Boma Various adverts! PHASA EXCO contact detail ![]() Dear Member, APPLICATION TO BECOME A FRIEND OF THE COURT (AMICUS CURIAE) IN THE MATTER OF THE MINISTER OF POLICE VS FIDELITY SECURITY SERVICES. APPLICATION FOR LEAVE TO APPEAL TO BE HEARD IN CONSTITUTIONAL COURT ON 18 NOVEMBER 2021. History. The history of the matter is briefly that Fidelity Security Services have failed to renew 700 of their firearms timeously with the result that the licences terminated. Fidelity requested the Police to allow them to submit new applications for licences for the firearms, but the Police refused to accept such applications. Fidelity approached the North Gauteng High Court for an order to allow them to submit new applications for licences for the firearms. Judge Ranchod refused the application. Fidelity then appealed to the Supreme Court of Appeal, who decided on 22 April 2021 that Fidelity was allows to submit new applications in respect of the firearms of which the licences had terminated and ordered the Police to accept those applications. The Minister of Police then made an application to the Constitutional Court for leave to appeal against the judgment and the matter has been set down for hearing on 18 November 2021. Importance of the matter. The matter is of great importance to all firearm owners whose firearm licences have expired, because the Police’s interpretation of the law is that once the firearm licence had expired, it can not be disposed of, the licence can not be renewed and a new application for a firearm can also not be made. According to the Police, the only solution to the problem is that firearms must be surrendered to them for destruction. Extent of problem. Before that firearm amnesty was declared in December 2019, the Police informed parliament that there were (at that stage) 400 805 firearms with expired licences in South Africa. During the two amnesties that followed, 126 000 firearms were surrendered to the Police and 105 000 applications for new licences were received in respect of those firearms. On the available information, there are at present between 275 000 and 325 000 firearms of which the licences had expired, still in the owners’ possession. The problem before the court therefor affects many more firearm owners. Application to apply to be admitted as amici curiae. PHASA and Natshoot have decided to bring an application to be admitted as friends of the court in order to assist the court to come to a just decision. PHASA also makes the point that the Police’s interpretation affects professional hunters’ rights in terms of section 22 of the Constitution. PHASA and Natshoot brought such applications and submitted heads of argument in respect of the proposed interpretation of the act and solutions to the problem. Both pleadings are available on the Natshoot website. Present situation. The Constitutional Court will make a decision on 18 November 2021 whether PHASA and Natshoot will be allowed to join the proceedings as friends of the court. We shall provide you with a link to the proceedings as soon as we receive it. Undertaking and thanks. PHASA will continue to protect firearms owners’ rights and interests and thank all members for their continued support. Dries van Coller Don’t let your firearm licences expire! 2022 PHASA AWARD WINNERS ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() SCI PRESIDENT JOHN MCLAURIN completes the South African Macnab! After attending the PHASA AGM, John was guided by PHASA President, Pieter Potgieter on a typical South African Macnab. The challenge is simple enough on paper, to stalk a buck, bag a gamebird and catch a gamefish in one day! The Macnab challenge originates from the 1925 novel John Macnab written by John Buchan. It follows three friends who are bored with their successful lives so turn to poaching. The men, a lawyer Sir Edward Leithen, MP John Palliser-Yeates and banker Charles, Earl of Lamancha, warn three Scottish Highland estates that within 48 hours they will poach a stag or salmon and return it to their door. The challenge in the novel continues to inspire people today, and the Macnab has become a bucket list item among sporting fans. Today the requirements of poaching and remaining undetected are not part of the challenge; instead, the rules dictate that the bird, buck and fish which have been ‘poached’ are done on an estate where you have been given permission for the challenge to happen. The Macnab has also evolved into different challenges in many countries which all still must be completed in one daylight day and in a legal and sporting manner. John’s South African Macnab is comprised of a Swainson’s Francolin, Rainbow trout and a Black Impala. Although rain made it a “tough as it gets” challenge, John completed his Macnab successfully. We would like to congratulate John on this fine accomplishment and we thank him for his leadership within SCI and their involvement in PHASA. We are looking forward to work with him and SCI to secure the future of hunting in South Africa! ~Courtesy of DSC ![]() Dear Exhibitor Partners, We wanted to let you know that we are aware of and following the recent travel restrictions made by the US and Europe. We are investigating to be sure that we fully understand all details of the restriction and if any alternatives exist. In the meantime, we want to assure you that if you are not able to make the 2022 Convention due to these travel restrictions, your booth will be available to you in 2023. Your booth payment can either be returned to you or rolled to 2023, whichever you prefer. Also, we have been made aware of some trying to sublet their booth this year, and we wanted to remind everyone that is not allowed. Again, your booth will be held for you next year if you are not able to attend this year. An option to consider if you are not able to attend, is to have an agent, representative, friend, past client, etc. set up and run your booth. They can have you available via WhatsApp or Zoom with any questions or client interactions. We are closely monitoring this situation and are praying that common sense prevails with the US and European Administrations and that this ban is soon lifted. We will be following up with additional details in the near future. Please let us know if you have any questions. Thank you and God bless.FEEDBACK RE OUTFITTERS OPERATING IN OTHER PROVINCES Mpumalanga Tourism and Parks agency received sent the following message to PHASA: ” After more than one legal opinion and considerable consultation, the letter was compiled to establish Mpumalanga’s position in the attached context. Excuse the many Piete and Kose in the writing, but this is, unfortunately, the only way I can clearly convey the position.”Please see the response from Mpumalanga Department by accessing this link. ![]() EASTERN CAPE DEPARTMENT REQUEST PH’s and Outfitters need to send scanned / picture copies of their hunt registers for 2021 to the following email address: permits-ph@dedeat.gov.za This is vital information that the Department needs for the Stats that DFFE shares at the end of each year. 2021 CONVENTION & AGM PHOTOS The 2021 PHASA Convention & AGM photos can be accessed through this link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1LNsgzryNAGs72ONszppcHAHFAjz_V8IC?usp=sharingPHASA OFFICE DECEMBER CLOSING DATE ![]() he PHASA office will close on 23 December 2021 @ 12h00 and re-opens on 3 January 2022 – PHASA PH’S AVAILABLE: Access this link: https://phasa.co.za/employment/ to view PHASA registered PH’s available for the hunting season. We invite all PHASA PH’s to send their adverts to Tersia du Plooy: phasa@phasa.co.za. Include a photo of yourself.This service is FREE to PHASA members. – ADVERTISE: Advertise your 2020/21 positions for PH’s, farm managers, lodge managers, etc. FREE of charge in the PHASA newsletter! PHASA urges all outfitters to convince their Professional Hunters to become PHASA members! ![]() https://phasa.co.za/membership-types-fees/ WHATSAPP MARKETING GROUP FOR MEMBERS Because we do not allow advertising on our provincial WhatsApp groups, we have created a group where members can advertise FREE OF CHARGE! Group Rules: • Only PHASA members can advertise and join the group • Only Admins can place adverts – it is a broadcast group • Hunting Industry Adverts only • 4 Adverts per month allowed • Advert formats: Jpeg, Png or Text • Please keep adverts as short as possible Send adverts to Tersia: phasa@phasa.co.za or via WhatsApp Please join using the link below (members only) or ask Tersia to add you to the group:https://chat.whatsapp.com/Fcecl2fhd0J0OI0BbaZDN3 ANOTHER PHASA SERVICE TO OUR MEMBERS! Note: PHASA accepts no responsibility for any loss whether it be direct, indirect or consequential, arising from adverts in this group or info made available and actions resulting there from. ![]() PH REGISTERS:Professional hunting registers, remuneration books and taxidermy registers, PHASA Caps, Ties & Member booth stands are available from the PHASA office at affordable rates. ![]() Contact Sybil to order your registers: finance@phasa.co.za. MAVEN The C.4 15x and 18x56mm large-objective binocular – an all-new high-powered optic in the Maven C Series line-up. Designed for wide-open terrain and discerning detail on high mountain hunts, this large-objective bino is a beast on the mountain. When extra magnification is a must, but packing a spotter is out of the question, pair this with an ultralight tripod to complete your ultralight backpacking setup.Visit their website to learn more! ![]() ![]() ![]() PHASA membership card sponsor COLLECTOR ITEM BOOKS BY RON THOMSON: ORDER NOW!! In 1959, aged 20, Ron Thomson joined the Rhodesian (now Zimbabwean) Department of National Parks and Wildlife management as its first cadet game ranger. Over the following 24 years he rose through the ranks to become the Provincial Game Warden-in-charge of Hwange National Park, one of Africa’s biggest and most prestigious game reserves. Big game hunting was his passion, and throughout his service, he was given incredible hunting opportunities. He once calculated that he has spent more than 25 000 hours in pursuit of Africa’s elephants, buffaloes and black rhinos; the reckoning being determined ONLY from the time he and his tracker picked up the spoor of the animal he was hunting, to the time he pulled the trigger and killed it (or captured it). That equates to 5.7 years of tracking and shooting big game animals, from dawn to dusk, every day. He also commanded, and led, the three hunters of the culling team that removed 2 500 elephants and 300 hippos from the Gonarezhou National Park in the early 1970s. Together the three hunters, acting in unison, and using military NATO-7.62 mm self-loading rifles, brought down herd after herd of elephants, each one numbering between 30 and 50 animals, in the incredible time of just 60 seconds. Ron Thomson must surely, therefore, be one of the most experienced African big game hunters alive today. PLEASE USE PHASA AS A REFERENCE WHEN ORDERING! His life story, in a series of six big game hunting memoir books, is now complete. (No.1) GOD CREATED MAN THE HUNTER; (No.2) STAND YOUR GROUND; (No.3) IN THE SHADOW OF NYAMINYAMI; (No.4) BLACK RHINO; (No.5) THE SKY CAME TUMBLING DOWN: and (No.6) GAME RANGERS AT WAR. Each of these books stands on its own merit whilst remaining part of the series. They are all published in collector’s copy format and in limited editions (1000 copies only). Each book in the series is numbered and signed by the author and the purchaser’s name is inscribed in calligraphy on the collector’s page. The book MAHOHBOH is a ‘companion book’ for the series(unfortunately out of stock). These seven books all have matching dust jackets. Cost for Collectors Series of 6 books are R 3000 or US$ 220 (RSA Postage included). Individual books sell for R 500 or US$ 35 each.These books are guaranteed never to be reprinted! To order contact Ron directly at mahohboh@mahohboh.org or elmabritz9@gmail.com#phasa #phasabooks #RonThomson #bookOrders Additional books available: Managing our Wildlife Heritage” (R100) and “ELEPHANT CONSERVATION – The Facts and the Fiction” (R 300)PREMIER FORWARDING COMPANY Where the import or export of your irreplaceable memorabilia is done with the utmost care & professionalism. From clearing to permit applications we provide unbeatable turnaround time combined with service excellence. Zingela Forwarders, one of the most respected service providers in the industry ensures the successful end to every memorable hunt. Tel: +27(0)11 395 1855 info@zingelaforwarders.co.za ![]() ![]() www.zingelaforwarders.co.za Contact information for branch managers: Rudi – Pretoria (082 338 4563) Kyle – Rivonia (082 407 6995) Cobus – Cradlestone (083 292 1076) Greg – Boksburg (079 505 4665) Rojean – Stellenbosch (076 487 5353) ![]() SAFARI OUTFITTER SYSTEMS YOUR PAPERLESS MOBILE SAFARI OFFICE SOLUTION THE HUNTING SAFARI OUTFITTER SYSTEM DEVELOPED BY HUNTERS FOR HUNTERS TO REDUCE PAPERWORK OVERLOAD AND STREAMLINE YOUR OFFICE ADMINISTRATION BENEFITSEasy quick personalised quotationsDocumentation confidentially and safely stored in the cloud accessible with your unique username and passwordPaperless system with a print on command option24/7 international connectivity by you and your associatesSaves you administrative feesThe system can be upgraded to include other African hunting destinations CAPTURES THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTATIONClient’s one of a kind ID code generated by the systemClient’s species wish list used for quotations can then be converted into an invoiceClient’s contact details, dietary requirements, drinks, etc.Concession Information: Species, quota, prices, rules, hunting permits & hunting rightsLodge set up, day fees and other costsAssociates fees: Permanent/Freelance PH, costs with controlled access to the programElectronic Generated Hunting register – already accepted by Limpopo ProvinceElectronic Generated National standardised taxidermy registerSuppliers: Taxidermist, shipping agents, charter companies, etc.Packages offered with T&CIncorporate your company logoCompany and National Stats reporting TRIAL PERIOD Connect to the program for your 14 day FREE TRIAL Click on the following link: http://www.safarisystems.co.za/register.phpAccess the Demo Presentation here: https://phasa.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/SOS-Demo-Presentation.pdfFOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Ben Heystek at ben@benheysteksafaris.co.za Exco Member and Chairman Training Committee Professional Hunters’ Association of South Africa PHASA is a SAQA recognized Professional Body |
2021 PHASA EXCO CONTACT DETAILS Pieter Potgieter President Cell: 083 442 0578 president2021@phasa.co.za Dries van Coller Past President Cell: 083 251 4468 ceo@phasa.co.za Eardley Rudman Vice-President Cell: 083 280 1336 eardleyrudman@gmail.com Barry York Vice-President Cell: 083 231 1115 barrysyork@gmail.com Richard Lemmer Cell: 082 819 5611 richard@safariafrika.net Tony Du Bruyn Cell: 082 717 4351 tony@wildwbsafaris.com Ben Heystek Cell: 082 463 4768 ben@benheysteksafaris.co.zaJonathan Joseph Cell: 083 657 5064 jono@jwksafaris.com Tienie Bamberger Cell: 082 859 4224 warthogsafaris@gmail.com Jess de Klerk Cell: 082 388 0654 jess@vodamail.co.zaThis message and any attachments transmitted with it are intended solely for the addressee(s) and may be legally privileged and/or confidential. If you have received this message in error please destroy it and notify the sender. Any unauthorized usage, disclosure, alteration or dissemination is prohibited. The Professional Hunters’ Association of SA (PHASA) accepts no responsibility for any loss whether it be direct, indirect or consequential, arising from advertisements in this newsletter or information made available and actions resulting there from. |
Copyright © 2021 PHASA, All rights reserved. Our contact details are: Tel: +27 12 667 2048 Fax: +27 12 667 2049 Emails:Pieter Potgieter: – PHASA President: president2021@phasa.co.za Tony Du Bruyn: PHASA Foundation Chairperson: chairman2021@phasa.co.za Dries van Coller: – PHASA Consulting Executive Officer: ceo@phasa.co.za Tersia Du Plooy: – PA to President – Membership, Disciplinaries, Temporary import permits, Sect 16A / Endorsements, Newsletters, Website, WhatsApp groups, Admin for PHASA & Foundation: phasa@phasa.co.za Sybil Schoeman: – Financial Administrator – Membership fees, Debtors/Creditors: finance@phasa.co.za |